Question 1
This FRQ is about 2D Arrays
public class DiverseArray
public static int arraySum(int[] array) // research what static means
int sum = 0;
for (int i : array) // loop through an array
sum += i; // add each item to a predefined sum variable
return sum;
public static int[] rowSums(int[][] arr2D)
int[] arraysum = new int[arr2D.length];
int tempsum = 0; // temporary sum for each loop
int counter = 0; // counter for each loop
for (int[] i : arr2D)
tempsum = 0; // resets the temporary sum before each loop
for (int b : i)
tempsum += b; //add each item of an array to the temporary sum
arraysum[counter] = tempsum; //record that temporary sum in an array
counter += 1;
return arraysum;
public static boolean isDiverse(int[][] arr2D)
HashSet<Integer> diversecheck = new HashSet<Integer>(); // hashsets can't have dupllicate values
int tempsum = 0;
for (int[] i : arr2D)
tempsum = 0;
for (int b : i)
tempsum += b; //add each value the same way as rowSums
diversecheck.add(tempsum); // add the sum to a hashset instead
if (diversecheck.size() == arr2D.length)
return true; // if the hashset has the same amount of sums as the 2d array has rows, then it returns true
} else {
return false; // if the hashset has less sums than the 2d array has rows, that means that one or more of the sums was a duplicate
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] arr1 = {1, 3, 2, 7, 3};
for (int i : rowSums(mat1))
System.out.print(", ");
16, 32, 28, 20,
Question 2
This FRQ is about classes
public class HiddenWord
public static void getHint(String uinp, String secretword)
char[] secret = secretword.toCharArray(); // making secret word into a char array of each letter
char[] user = uinp.toCharArray(); // making the user input into a char array of each letter
String[] hint = new String[secretword.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < secretword.length(); i++)
hint[i] = "*"; // filling each hint character with the star
for (int i = 0; i < secretword.length(); i++)
if (secret[i] == user[i]) // checks if the same characters are in the same spot
hint[i] = String.valueOf(secret[i]); // makes the charcter show in the hint if it's in the right place
} else {
for (char b : secret) // parse through every letter of the secret wrod
if (b == user[i]) // compares each letter of the secret word with a single character of the users input
hint[i] = "+"; // puts a plus if the character is in the word but in the wronf place
for (String p : hint)
public static void main(String[] args)
String[] words = {
Random random = new Random();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String secretword = words[random.nextInt(50)];
System.out.println("Please type in all caps");
for (int i = 0; i < secretword.length(); i++)
for ( ; ; ) // infinite loop
//while (1 == 1)
String uinp = scanner.nextLine();
if (uinp.length() == secretword.length())
getHint(uinp, secretword);
if (uinp.equalsIgnoreCase(secretword)) //maybe add another hint
} else {
System.out.println("That's the wrong amount of letters");
if (uinp.equalsIgnoreCase("apex"))
| while (;)
illegal start of expression
| while (;)
illegal start of expression
Question 3
This FRQ is about Arrays/ArrayLists
public class SparseArrayEntry
private int row;
private int col;
private int value;
public SparseArrayEntry(int r, int c, int v)
row = r;
col = c;
value = v;
public int getRow() // a bunch of setters and getters because rox, col and value are private
{ return row; }
public int getCol() // private variables suck
{ return col; }
public int getValue()
{ return value; }
public void setValue(int valu)
{ this.value = valu; }
public void setCol(int co)
{ this.col = co; }
public static void main(String[] args)
SparseArrayEntry num1 = new SparseArrayEntry(1, 4, 4); // defining some random
SparseArrayEntry num2 = new SparseArrayEntry(2, 0, 1);
SparseArrayEntry num3 = new SparseArrayEntry(3, 1, -9);
SparseArrayEntry num4 = new SparseArrayEntry(1, 1, 5);
public class SparseArray
private int numRows;
private int numCols;
private List<SparseArrayEntry> entries;
public SparseArray()
{ entries = new ArrayList<SparseArrayEntry>(); }
public int getNumRows()
{ return numRows; }
public int getNumCols()
{ return numCols; }
// Precondition: 0 <= row < getNumRows()
// 0 <= col < getNumCols()
public int getValueAt(int row, int col)
for (SparseArrayEntry i : this.entries)
if (i.getRow() == row && i.getCol() == col) // make sure both the column and row index match
return i.getValue(); // return the value if a match is found
return 0; // return 0 if there's no match
// removes the column *col* from the sparse array
// Precondition: 0 <= col < getNumCols()
public void removeColumn(int col)
this.numCols = this.getNumCols() - 1; // removes 1 from the total columns count
for (SparseArrayEntry i : this.entries)
if (i.getCol() == col) // search for all entries with the column that's being removed
i.setValue(0); // sets their value to 0
} else if (i.getCol() > col) { // checks if the entry's column is above the removed column
i.setCol(i.getCol() - 1); // lowers that entry's column by one
public static void main(String[] args)
SparseArrayEntry num1 = new SparseArrayEntry(1, 4, 4);
SparseArrayEntry num2 = new SparseArrayEntry(2, 0, 1);
SparseArrayEntry num3 = new SparseArrayEntry(3, 1, -9);
SparseArrayEntry num4 = new SparseArrayEntry(1, 1, 5);
SparseArray test = new SparseArray();
test.numCols = 5;
test.numRows = 6;
System.out.println("Getting values:");
System.out.println(test.getValueAt(1, 2));
System.out.println(test.getValueAt(1, 4));
System.out.println(test.getValueAt(3, 1));
System.out.println("Getting values after removing column 1:");
System.out.println(test.getValueAt(2, 0));
System.out.println(test.getValueAt(1, 3));
System.out.println(test.getValueAt(3, 1));
Getting values:
Getting values after removing column 1:
Question 4
This FRQ is about methods and control structures
public interface NumberGroup
boolean contains(int number);
public class Range implements NumberGroup
private int min;
private int max;
public Range(int min, int max)
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
public boolean contains(int number)
return number >= min && number <= max;
public class MultipleGroups implements NumberGroup
private List<NumberGroup> groupList;
public MultipleGroups(List<NumberGroup> groupList)
this.groupList = groupList;
public boolean contains(int number)
for (NumberGroup group : groupList)
if (group.contains(number))
return true;
return false;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
NumberGroup range1 = new Range(-3, 2); // use range through numbergroup because its an interface
NumberGroup range2 = new Range(5, 8);
NumberGroup range3 = new Range(10, 12);
NumberGroup range4 = new Range(1, 6);
List<NumberGroup> groupList = Arrays.asList(range1, range2, range3, range4); // creating the ranges into a list
MultipleGroups multiple1 = new MultipleGroups(groupList); // putting that list into a multiplegroups object
System.out.println("test for single group contain:");
System.out.println("test for multiple group conatain:");
test for single group contain:
test for multiple group conatain: