It was a poltry farm before it was a school
It pretty new
National leader in social mobiliy
over 250 stairs
Chemistry, Bio Chemistry, Applied Physics, Biological Sciences
Computer science, computer information systems, computer engineering
You can switch between computer science and computer engineering without much trouble because the classes are very in sync

CSUSM clubs

cybersecurity robotics 3d printing women in stem society of women engineers society of physics students

Internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization fofr a limited period of time
join clubs
check emails
go to campus events
try to avoid unpaid internships


summer scholars program:
10 week summer program. intensive research program. aimed at career development or preperation for graduate school


terrestrial ecosystem research lab
california primary algae labratory

grant is government funded, scholarship is privatly funded
You have to search out a scholarship yourself
subsadized loan: loan partially funded by the government. does not interest while in school
unsubsadized loan: dont have to worry about loan for 6 months after graduate. does interest while in school.