English Notes
expert opinion: a highly respected person in the field provides their perspective, which has been formed from their experience, studies, and observations
statistic: a fact or a piece of data from a study of a large quantity of numerical data
fact: a thing that is known or proved to be true
example: a sample of something taken to show what the whole is like
There's a HUGE difference between opinion and expert opinion
How do I know if someone is an expert?
Their peers trust and respect them
they have published scholarly work in their area of expertise
They are considered successful in their field
Their name comes up in reference articles about the topic
They have formal training and/or many years of experience
How do I know if statistics and facts are reliable?
they come from peer-reviewed studies
they are found in scholarly journals
they are corroborated by multiple sources
What is confirmation bias?
Definition: the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories
we tend to make up our minds about a topic or issue and then seek out information that tells us we are right
look at who is sponsoring or producing the information -- do they have an agenda?
Incorporating The Great Gatsby or 1920s
Does your topic clearly connect to one or more of the characters from The Great Gatsby?
- Options for using the novel:
- Include it at the beginning of the paper as a hook
- Compare a piece of data to an example from the book
- Options for using historical research:
- include it at the beginning of the paper as a hook
- Compare past to present
- Describe a cause and effect
Rewrite essay
Send an email to teacher that I want help from.
Be professional in email. Mention when I can get help (office hours and after school)
Address what I was marked off on
Come to meeting having read comments and looked at the rubric
Write questions on the paper about how I can improve
On the rubric, I can move up 1, maybe 2, points in a section.
we can rewrite once
a regrade does not necesarily mean it will be graded higher.