WWI Context

WWI killed more than 9 million soldiers and involved 28 countries.
It cost about $190 billion
7 - 10 million civilians killed
Began after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

Issues in Europe

Russia can’t break through German lines
In Russia, economic instability and scarcity of food
Poverty-stricken workers direct hostility towards Czar Nicholas II and his wife
Leads to revolution in 1905, followed by another in 1917
Vladimir Lenin leads Bolsheviks in 1917 to seize power
Ends Russian role in WWI

The Aftermath

Paris Peace conference in 1919 after war ends.
Treaty of Versailles:

  • War guilt
  • Heavy reparations
  • Denied entrance to League of Nations
  • Limited Military

Where does that leave us

through 1930s Europe is very unstable
When Germany attacks poland, WWII begins and US clings to neutrality
Adolf Hitler and Nazi party take control of Germany
Japan expands territory in Asia
Benito Mussolini seized power in Italy