Take some additional notes that you would like here for 3.12 and 3.13. We will be looking for additional notes from the presentation.

What are procedures?

Fill in the blanks please:

Procedure: named group of programming instructions.

Parameters: input values of a procedure

Arguments: specify value of parameters when procedure is called

Modularity: seperating a program's funtions into seperate pieces of code

Procedural Abstraction:

What are some other names for procedures?:

Why are procedures effective?:

Challenge 1 below: Add the command that will call the procedure.

decimal = 7

def convertToBinary(n):
    binary1 = 0
    binary2 = 0
    binary3 = 0
    binary4 = 0
    binary5 = 0
    binary6 = 0
    binary7 = 0
    binary8 = 0
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        if binary1 == 0: binary1 += 1
            binary1 = 0
            if binary2 == 0: binary2 += 1
                binary2 = 0
                if binary3 == 0: binary3 += 1
                    binary3 = 0
                    if binary4 == 0: binary4 += 1
                        binary4 = 0
                        if binary5 == 0: binary5 += 1
                            binary5 = 0
                            if binary6 == 0: binary6 += 1
                                binary6 = 0
                                if binary7 == 0: binary7 += 1
                                    binary7 = 0
                                    if binary8 == 0: binary8 += 1
        i += 1
    print(str(binary8) + str(binary7) + str(binary6) + str(binary5) + str(binary4) + str(binary3) + str(binary2) + str(binary1))

Challenge 2 below: Complete the Min and Max procedure in either JavaScript and Python using the instructions from the JavaScript page. (JavaScript will get you a extra 0.1)

function findMax(numA, numB){
    if (numA > numB){
findMax(20, 40)

Homework/Hacks: For the hw, you have two options, easy or hard. The easy hack is for a 2.7 + extra work for the full 3. The easy hack is simply creating your own procedure with your own creativity. Since there is a lot of leeway for this one, you must do additional work to get a 3. For the hard hack, below is the start to a character to binary convertor. This is just a template, but the goal is to translate "APCSP" into binary. You can delete the existing code if you want. The only contraint is that you must use a procedure. Doing this will get you a 3.

def charToBinary(x):()
# if x.lower == x
# The output shown below is the output you are supposed to get
''APCSP'' in binary is 
[1000001, 1010000, 1000011, 1010011, 1010000]
# Feel free to copy this code into your own fastpages to test it.
import random
# Make sure to include the import, it's very important
sword = 20
hammer = 30
num3 = [1,2,3]
healthOp = 15 
health = 15 
equipped = 0
defval = False
def equip(output):
    global equipped
    global hammer
    global sword
    equipped = output
def durLow():
    global equipped
    global sword
    global hammer
    dur = random.randrange(3)
    if equipped == sword:
        equipped -= num3[dur]
        sword -= num3[dur]
    elif equipped == hammer:
        equipped -= num3[dur]
        hammer -= num3[dur]
        print("No durability loss, the code broke")
def choose():
    global choice
    global hammer
    global sword
    choice = input("What would you like to do?")
    if choice.lower() == "equip":
        print("What would you like to equip?")
        print("Hammer: " + str(hammer))
        print("Sword: " + str(sword))
    elif choice.lower() == "attack": 
        if equipped > 0:
            print("You must have a weapon to fight")
    elif choice.lower() == "defend":
        global defval
        defval = True
    elif choice.lower() == "check":
    elif choice.lower() == "break":
        global healthOp
        healthOp = 0
        print("You can not do "+str(choice)+", please do something else")
def chooseEquip():
    don = input("Choose a weapon")
    if don.lower() == "hammer":
    elif don.lower() == "sword":
        print("You do not have "+str(don)+", please choose a weapon")
def attackOp(): # test if the defval boolean works in the if statement
    global health
    global defval
    if defval:
        bic = random.randrange(3)
        health -= bic
        if bic == 0:
            print("The opponent missed!")
            print("You blocked the attack. The opponent did " + str(bic) + " damage")
        bic = random.randrange(5)
        health -= bic
        if bic == 0:
            print("The opponent missed!")
            print("The opponent did " + str(bic) + " damage")
    defval = False
def attack():
    global healthOp
    bru = random.randrange(5)
    if bru == 0:
        print("Your attack missed!")
        healthOp -= bru
        print("You did " + str(bru) + " damage")
def statCheck():
    print("Your health: "+str(health))
    print("Your opponent's health: "+str(healthOp))
    if equipped > 0:
        print("Your weapon's durablility: "+str(equipped))
        print("You must have a weapon equipped to check its durability")

print("There is an enemy in front of you. You have a sword and hammer. You must equip one to fight")
print("You can fight (attack), check battle statistics (check), and defend (defend). To equip a weapon you must type 'equip'")
while health > 0:
    if healthOp <= 0:
    if health <= 0:
if health <= 0:
    print("You died")
if healthOp <= 0:
    print("You win!")
print("End stats:")
There is an enemy in front of you. You have a sword and hammer. You must equip one to fight
You can fight (attack), check battle statistics (check), and defend (defend). To equip a weapon you must type 'equip'
You must have a weapon to fight
What would you like to equip?
Hammer: 30
Sword: 20
Your attack missed!
The opponent did 4 damage
What would you like to equip?
Hammer: 27
Sword: 20
You did 4 damage
The opponent missed!
You did 4 damage
The opponent did 3 damage
Your attack missed!
The opponent did 4 damage
You did 4 damage
The opponent missed!
Your health: 4
Your opponent's health: 3
Your weapon's durablility: 14
You did 3 damage
You win
End stats:
Your health: 4
Your opponent's health: 0
Your weapon's durablility: 12