Create a program that asks the user for a day and then gives them a distance in days between that day and another random day in the year. We have provided you with a possible starter, but you are welcome to change it up if you would like.

from datetime import date
import random

days_dictionary = {
    1: 31,
    2: 28,
    3: 31,
    4: 30,
    5: 31,
    6: 30,
    7: 31,
    8: 31,
    9: 30,
    10: 31,
    11: 30,
    12: 31,

# expected output shown below (or something similar)
Input a day
Input a month
Input a year
user day: 07/13/2010
random day: 09/11/2010
The number of days between the given range of dates is: 60